2025 Senior Rep Team!!!

Are you fun, energetic, outgoing, kind, excited and motivated?

This is your opportunity to SHINE! I would love for you to be a part of my senior rep team! I am searching for 4-6 upcoming 2025 seniors to join the best team in the Oklahoma Panhandle! Being a part of this program you will not only get amazing senior portraits, but you will also be able to engage in some rad adventure shoots, seasonal shoots, and find friendships along the way you never knew you needed. All of this can be earned with fun incentives by referring friends along the way! Keep scrolling to learn more!

This team will be some of the most motivated individuals out there! Here's how you get to be a part:

  • Fill out the online application
  • Parent approval & signed Rep Contract
  • Wait to hear if you were selected as a 2025 Senior Rep!
  • Once your on the team, we will schedule your OWN shoot during June, July, or August (At a discounted rate!)
  • When you get your gallery back, share all of those beautiful photos with your friends and earn your way to additional free shoots by referring!

Frequently asked questions

Can girls & guys apply to be on the team?!

YES 10000000%! I want to have a team full of amazing people!

How does the payment work?!

It will depend on if you want a local or adventure shoot package. Your shoot must be paid for before it happens, so 50% down when you officially signed onto the team and 50% down 15 days before your shoot date.

How do we earn free shoots?!

Refer all of your friends!!! (Literally) tell everyone! The more friends/shoots you book for me, the more chances you earn a free shoot. I will also keep track of referrals in a spreadsheet, so make sure your referrals tell me your name.
3 shoots by October 1st = 45 min local fall shoot
6 shoots by January 1st = 45 min local spring shoot